One of the emerging factions in the film making industry are HD DSLR's. The biggest barrier to most emerging film makers is the price of all your gear. The prices could quickly escalate to tens of thousands of dollars. With a DSLR the top of the line camera costs around two thousand dollars, making the choice to switch to DSLR that much better. An interesting part of the DSLR scene is that these cameras are not made to shoot professional video but, if you take a stroll around youtube or vimeo the results will tell you otherwise.
The best part of the community is the community itself. Between the information sharing online and the power of innovation the DSLR scene is one of the best things to happen to filmmaking. One of the major companies that are really pushing their products to the next level of filmmaking is Canon. On vimeo they have a channel that would have film contests embracing filming with a DSLR. All this helps the film makers collaborate on bigger productions. There are also many user created groups on vimeo that are finally being looked at seriously by film makers.