The future of films
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Just Recently James Camng eron sat down for some interviews and discussed the future of film making. After creating Avatar in 3D James Cameron explains that the next big breakthrough technology for cinema is fps. Fps stands for frames per second. It is how many frames are advanced In one second. The naked eye captures 24 frames per second that is why it was set as the standard for filming. Though, humans can tell the difference between 24 fps and 48 fps. The normal person would not be able to tell it would just make all movements on the screen look smoother than they did before. It will also make any slow motion shots seem more natural and life like. “When you author and project a movie at 48 or 60, it becomes a different movie,” he said. “The 3D shows you a window into reality; the higher frame rate takes the glass out of the window.” The only problem is that no theatre has the technology to actually play movies that were shot at 48 fps. James Cameron believes that the projectors that are used to project 3D would only need a software upgrade in order to project films at 48 frames per second.
Sex sells, sometimes
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Sex sells there is no doubt about that, but sometimes it hurts a project rather than actually helping it. A great case of this is Miley Cyrus. The second those Vanity Fair pictures came out she was told by millions of people including her own advisors that the pictures were too racy for her Disney image. That has happened to countless young stars. Any young celebrity that is trying to get an audience with pre teens is subject to this. To keep their fans they have to have a squeaky clean image even though they are growing up and out of that stage.
The most recent case of this is with the new Wonder Woman. When it was released over a year ago that they would be making a Wonder Woman television show, fans and feminist groups were very excited to hear the news. Most people were happy that they were just finally doing something with the character. When they released the first images it was an entirely different story. People from all walks of life complained about the outfit of the new Wonder Woman. She is a super hero not a stripper seemed like the biggest concern facing the new television show.
The picture to the left is an early version of the costume. The picture came out months before general production even began, and good thing it did. First everyone complained that the costume was way too shiny. I know she could deflect anything with her bracelets, but just looking at her in the sun is enough to subdue any criminal. Many people say that the outfit looked more like a costume you would fins at a Halloween store. Another major concern was that she is supposedly fighting crime in that outfit. In the real world a normal person would have to stop every five seconds and adjust just so that there is not a wardrobe malfunction. If you look at the picture n the right, which is the revised version of the outfit you will see that she isn’t even wearing lipstick anymore.
What are your thoughts on this issue? Is sex hurting the industry or helping it
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