Recently there has been some crazy news coming out of Detroit. It is not the decaying state of the state but actually it is about Robocop. A Robocop statue might be built in the state with the worst economy in America. It all started on the Internet where suggestions were asked on how to clean up the city. Twitter user MT came up with the suggestion to erect a Robocop statue. If you don’t know anything about the movie Robocop, I can sum it up for you. Detroit, the future, crime is rampant in the city. The police force builds a robot that has three main objectives; serve the public trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law. Well soon after the suggestion was put on the Internet it was taken down. They thought that was the end of it but, apparently it was seen by enough people and they thought it was a good idea so they brought the suggestion to the mayor of Detroit. I completely agree with the Internet users, I feel there should be a Robocop statue in Detroit. It is a major part of their pop culture. In Philadelphia there is a statue of Rocky Balboa in front of the Museum of Art. Mayor Bing foolishly answered back “NO”. Well if the city of Detroit will not make a Robocop statue then the people of Detroit will. The website DetroitNeedsRobocop is currently working with artists and other companies to make this a reality. They estimate that the total cost of the statue will be $50,000. As of right now they have recently just passed the $50,000 mark but are still taking donations.
Head over to detroitneedsrobocop.com to help them out with some donations.